Transient Absorption

What is Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

In its modern form, Transient Absorption (TrA) Spectroscopy is the use of pulsed lasers in a pump-probe geometry, to observe the reaction dynamics of chemical processes.

Current Simplified Transient Absorption Experiment Setup

Current TrA Projects and Experiments

TrA in the Class Room

We are currently working on incorporating our transient absorption system into the UA chemistry curriculum. The below data set is some of our first, collected as part of a new chemistry lab. It was collected by Chuck Rohde and Jin Akagi on June 11th. It shows the time resolved decay of Diphenyl-Butadiene (DPB) in n-Hexanes.

Our First Data Set


Chem750 Data (internal only)

Wikipedia Entry on Transient Absorption

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