Photon Factory µ-Machining Station
The Photon Factory µ-Machining capability is centered around the JPSA laser µ-machining platform. This is a highly reconfigurable system, specifically designed to be easily modified by the end user. This is what makes this commercially available system a valuable tool in the research environment of the University of Auckland. We currently have the capability to insert
- 248nm nanosecond pulses
- 800nm 100 femtosecond pulses
into the JPSA platform. This provides us with a very wide variety of processing options from direct, heat induced surface ablation, to nonlinear, multiphoton, super resolution volume alterations.
Further information:
- on UV nanosecond laser µ-machining
- on NIR femtosecond laser µ-machining
To learn more about the specific processes we employ to create different products at the Photon Factory, please visit our Protocols page. To access the PF femtosecond surface interactions database please go here.